Gephyra (May 2018)
Beyond the Xanthos Valley: Rulers and mints in Eastern and Central Lycia at the time of the “dynasty of Xanthos”
The alleged intermission in the coin production of Eastern and Central Lycia after the establish-ment of the so-called “dynasty of Xanthos” in Western Lycia during the thirties of the 5th century BC is to be filled with the coinage of Teththiweibi, the eastern series of Kheriga and Kherẽi and, finally, with the coinage of Khinakha, which may well have lasted deep into the penultimate dec-ade of that century. There remains a certain gap between those coinages and the one initiated by the younger Wekhssere at Zagaba around ca. 395 BC, but the intermittent period is much shorter than it originally appeared.