المجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي (Sep 2014)

The Role of QA Guide at Pharmacy Faculty, Tikrit University

  • Ali Husain M. S. Al-Obiedi,
  • Yasin M. J. Al-Duri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7


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The Role of QA Guide at Pharmacy Faculty, Tikrit University Abstract: Educational institution has a great role and important role in building communities is no less important "for the rest of the institutions such as factories and plants productivity and agricultural because it provides members of society with science and knowledge to work professionally and efficiently in these institutions، which dates back usefulness to their communities and their countries according to each individual responsibility and place of work، so you must take care Palmrushdin educators and workers in the field of quality to raise the level of education in our university and we all know that the apostles and prophets have had a role teacher and mentor to guide the community in line with the values and ethics of humanitarian and religious In our time became educational institutions and universities are the source of knowledge and science. To ensure the quality of universities and level graduates scientific them to be be to guide and educational specialists in the field of quality big role in guiding scientific personnel and students to raise the level of education and quality assurance for graduates and addressing the negative aspects in the educational institution. So we conducted this research as a mentor in the educational improvement of education in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Tikrit and study educational reality in college to find out the answer negative and weaknesses and then discuss the problems of students (the customer) with Dean and faculty and staff at the college for the purpose of developing proposals and ideas suitable viable for the purpose of raising the level of the college and we have conducted a questionnaire to students of the College of Pharmacy after a period and noticed an improvement and change in the level of student satisfaction deanship for work and college so please be search reference "for the rest of the institutions to promote their betterment towards quality.