Brazilian Journal of Biology ()
Platynota rostrana (Walker) (Tortricidae) and Phidotricha erigens Raganot (Pyralidae): artificial diet effects on biological cycle
The lepidopterans Platynota rostrana (Walker) (Tortricidae) and Phidotricha erigens Raganot (Pyralidae) have been found frequently in citrus groves in São Paulo State in recent years. Since in Brazil, the fertility cycle of these two species is largely unknown, as are details of the damage wrought by them in crops, this research studied these aspects of the two species, which were kept under laboratory conditions (temperature 25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10% RH, 14 h photophase) and on an artificial diet. The duration of the biological cycle (egg-adult) for P. rostrana was 38.3 days and total viability was 44.0%; for P. erigens these values were 32.5 days and 63.6%, respectively. Both species showed five larval instars. Females of P. rostrana laid an average of 308 eggs, whereas those of P. erigens laid an average of 106 eggs. In both species, female pupae were heavier than males. Male and female longevity for both species was nearly 10 days. Based on the data obtained, the artificial diet produced better results in P. rostrana than in P. erigens. If these species, which have the potential to reach pest status in the citrus groves of São Paulo State, could be reared on an artificial diet, research on their control by alternative methods would be easier.