Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine (Jan 2018)
Are we missing out something in donor notification?
Background: Donor notification is an integral part of any blood collection facility. But regarding DAT positive donors there are no standard guidelines to notify them or to refer them to any clinician. Aim of this study was to suggest possible ways to manage DAT positive donors. Material and Methods: This was a retrospective study extended over past 5 years from 2013-2017 in a tertiary care health center. All whole blood donations were tested for ABO Rh, irregular antibody, HIV, HBV, HCV, SYPHILIS, and Malaria parasite. At the time of blood request if crossmatch came incomnpatible and antibody screen was negative we do DAT of the unit and if it comes positive then DAT work up was done. Result: Of total 55,310 donations, Twenty-two (0.04%) donors were DAT positive. From DAT positive donors, in 72% of cases IgG alone was responsible for DAT positivity of the unit, and in 18% of cases, involved IgG was subtyped as I gG1/IgG3. Conclusion: With the evidence of a significantly increased risk of cancer, especially hematologic malignancies, among blood donors with a positive DAT, donor notification is suggested. There should be a standardized protocol across the country about donor notification to avoid confusion and variations seen in different blood collection facilities.