آداب الكوفة (Aug 2021)
L’apprentissage précoce des langues étrangères APLE
Foreign language acquisition from early childhood creates good learning and memorization skills. The earlier a child starts, the better he will learn. Man was born and he is able to acquire many knowledge. He sends and repeats a wide range of sounds that have no meaning in his mother tongue. It is not enough to start learning the language early, but the learning process must continue throughout one's life. If we want to make the child bilingual or trilingual, we have to introduce him to foreign languages, as it does not constitute an additional burden because the matter does not mean adding new supplementary materials, but only Programming content to be taught in a foreign language. Recently, some countries restrict the teaching of foreign languages to literary subjects, while others give priority to science subjects. What is the ideal age to learn a foreign language? Is there a golden period for learning? After that period, does learning become ineffective?