Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo (Sep 2017)

Mobility of museum’s collections. Procedures and policies at manipulation with collection items out of their depository storage (Mobilita múzejných zbierok Postupy a zásady pri manipulácií so zbierkovými predmetmi mimo ich uloženia v depozitároch)

  • Marianna Tomašková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 169 – 181


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This thesis is focused on to description types of collection items mobility. The main storage place for collection item in museum is the depository and because of that, thesis contains description of types of collection items mobility from depository. The aim of the thesis is to approximate process of manipulation with collection items for the purpose of pre-servation/restoration and rental of collection items for other museums in Slovakia and abroad. One of the main points of this thesis is to review the purpose of collection mobility for museums. Aim of the thesis is also to define possibilities of collection items protection during their mobility- legal and physical protection. An important part of the article is an analysis of collections mobility in Slovak museums created with the help of questionnaire survey and summary of the annual reports of Slovak museums.
