Red U (Dec 2016)

Body awareness as a tool for beginner teacher training

  • A. Mª. Macazaga López,
  • A. Vaquero Barba,
  • M. O. Macias Muñoz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2
pp. 119 – 134


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This article presents an experience of emotional competence development within the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education. It has been elaborated in collaboration with three professors in the context of the course Didactics of Physical Education and Practicum II. This experience has allowed the participants to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and bridge the gap between higher and lower education. The outlined training strategies are body experimentation, body awareness and self-observation of anger in the classroom. The body experimentation and awareness, combined with the writing task used in the self-observations and he final reports of the students, have impacted their professional development by allowing them to strengthen their capacities to recognize and regulate their anger within teacher-student interactions.
