Journal of Rehabilitation (Jan 2005)

Study Cause of SCI in Client User of Rehabilitation Services

  • Mahmoud Ayyoubian,
  • Iraj َAbdollahi,
  • Mohsen Amiri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 4
pp. 18 – 23


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Objective: Increase of accidents in such industrial lifestyle, has resulted on increase incidences of Spinal Cord Injuriy (SCI). Research aims are updating knowledge of people about their SCI and to observe their qualty of life. Materials & Methods: In this design 1426 SCI patient were studied. A number of closed & opened questions which allocated 1 to 4 raws were sent to 24 provinces of Iran. This question about prevalence and causes of SCI, use of physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and social welfare services for their respected cases. Results: Causes of SCI in 82.2% were due to accidents and war. 38.7% of the patients were deprived of physiotherapy services and only 12% of them received physiotherapy services for more than one year. 61.5% of them received Behzisty Organization services so that 36/2% of them received Welfare services, 33/9% rehabilitation aid equipments, 22/4% medical services and only 5% of them received consulting services. Conclusion: Accidents are the most common cause of SCI that some of them could be considered as preventable. Regardless of strong need for physiotherapy and rehabilitation services, some of SCI patients were deprived of such services. Behzisty Organization acts as guardian for disable persons and has an important role in social welfare and rehabilitation of SCI patients and we hope that government supports, enforce such role.
