Red U (Nov 2015)

Communication skills in the learning process of Veterinary Pathophysiology. The experience at the Veterinary Faculty of Lugo

  • Cristina Castillo Rodríguez,
  • Ángel Abuelo Sebio,
  • Joaquín Hernández Bermúdez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 3
pp. 131 – 154


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Universitary teaching has been modified due to changes in the society demands: look for information, critical analysis, communication skills, cooperation and determination to overcome problems. These values are not commonly covered by the discipline. But society demands not only knowledge, but also other skills necessary for the well development of professional activity. To encourage faculty members about student leadership, must seek teaching strategies that stimulate them, a difficult task in several disciplines in Health Science areas. In this article two models of theoretical and practical teaching are discussed in the scenario of the mandatory subject General Pathology (Veterinary degree): cooperative learning(based in the PBL system) and a workshopbased also in PBL system and using simulated situations where students are faced with a clinical case in real conditions, including the presence of a client / owner and market prices for the services. Students respond positively within a framework of stimulation being capable of working together, solve problems, realizing the importance of communication skills in the development of their future career. This forces the teacher to revitalize their teaching according to society demands that needs more skills from a student than merely knowledge acquisition.
