Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício (Dec 2014)
Desempenho motor de pessoas com deficiência da associação de pais e amigos dos excepcionais de uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais
A realização de trabalhos psicomotores junto às pessoas com deficiência (PCD) proporciona a aquisição de habilidades cognitivas e motoras necessárias ao desempenho de movimentos e atividades funcionais da vida diária. A bateria de testes de coordenação corporal (KTK), composta por quatro tarefas e desenvolvida para diagnosticar deficiências motoras em crianças com lesões cerebrais e/ou desvios comportamentais. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar o desempenho motor das PCD da Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE) de uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais. Foram avaliadas 12 PCD regularmente matriculados na APAE de Florestal-MG, com média de idade de 32,3 ± 13,5 anos, com variadas deficiências, por meio da aplicação da bateria de testes motores conhecida como KTK. Os resultados das quatro tarefas geram um Quociente Motor (QM), que serve de base para classificação final. Para análise do estudo foram utilizadas as tabelas de referência para o teste KTK, empregando-se a estatística descritiva. O somatório dos resultados dos testes resultou em um QM médio de 50,41 ± 14,11. Esse QM da amostra indicou que 16,6% atingiu classificação de perturbação na coordenação motora; 8,3% atingiu a classificação de insuficiência na coordenação motora; e 75% não conseguiu atingir níveis de coordenação mínimos para classificação. A partir dos resultados foi possível concluir que o desempenho motor das PCD participantes da APAE de Florestal-MG demonstram déficit de equilíbrio, força e velocidade, além de problemas com a lateralidade. Motor performance for persons with disabilities of association of parents and friends of the subjects of an inner city of Minas Gerais The performance of psychomotor work with people with disabilities (PWD) provides the acquisition of cognitive and motor skills needed to perform movements and functional activities of daily living. The battery of tests of body coordination (KTK), is composed of four tasks designed to diagnose and motor impairments in children with brain injury and / or behavioral disorders. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the motor performance of PWD of Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional (APAE) of a inner city in Minas Gerais. Were evaluated 12 PWD regularly enrolled in APAE of Florestal-MG, with a mean age of 32.3 ± 13.5 years, with various disabilities, by applying the battery of motor tests known as KTK . The results of the four tasks generate a motor quotient (MQ) which is the basis for the final classification. The reference tables for the KTK test were used for analysis of the study, using descriptive statistics. The sum of the results of the tests resulted in a MQ average of 50.41 ± 14.11. This MQ of the sample indicated that 16.6% have hit rating of disturbance in motor coordination; 8.3% showed rating of motor coordination impairment, and 75 % failed to achieve minimum levels of coordination for classification. From the results it was concluded that the motor performance of the PWD of the APAE of Florestal-MG demonstrating deficit in the balance, strength and speed, and problems with laterality. ABSTRACT Motor performance for persons with disabilities of association of parents and friends of the subjects of an inner city of Minas Gerais The performance of psychomotor work with people with disabilities (PWD) provides the acquisition of cognitive and motor skills needed to perform movements and functional activities of daily living. The battery of tests of body coordination (KTK), is composed of four tasks designed to diagnose and motor impairments in children with brain injury and / or behavioral disorders. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the motor performance of PWD of Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional (APAE) of a inner city in Minas Gerais. Were evaluated 12 PWD regularly enrolled in APAE of Florestal-MG, with a mean age of 32.3 ± 13.5 years, with various disabilities, by applying the battery of motor tests known as KTK . The results of the four tasks generate a motor quotient (MQ) which is the basis for the final classification. The reference tables for the KTK test were used for analysis of the study, using descriptive statistics. The sum of the results of the tests resulted in a MQ average of 50.41 ± 14.11. This MQ of the sample indicated that 16.6% have hit rating of disturbance in motor coordination; 8.3% showed rating of motor coordination impairment, and 75 % failed to achieve minimum levels of coordination for classification. From the results it was concluded that the motor performance of the PWD of the APAE of Florestal-MG demonstrating deficit in the balance, strength and speed, and problems with laterality.