Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Apr 2023)

A medical student’s insight into set induction: A Cross sectional study

  • Neeraj Sadiq,
  • Syyeda Anees,
  • Ghulam Subhani,
  • Mohammed Mohsin,
  • Maddipati sai Krishna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 02
pp. 140 – 145


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Background: Set induction are preliminary measures taken by the teacher to start effectual classroom instruction and training. Objectives: The aim of the study is to familiarize the mode of set induction to MBBS students. To know the perceptions of MBBS students batch wise towards set induction as an introductory step in teaching/learning method. Methods: A Cross sectional study with cluster sampling was done on of second, third and fourth year MBBS students of Deccan College of Medical Sciences. After taking informed consent orally they were introduced to different types of set induction namely case -based scenarios, narratives and audio visual aids, then a questionnaire was given and results were noted and analyzed statistically in R-language software. Results: Among the 312 students that participated, 208 students (66%) answered all questions. Set induction impacts the students immensely and has significant role to play for all the batches 2020(2st year), 2019(3rdYear), 2020(4thyear). There is a statistically significant difference between batches regarding their perceptions towards set induction and was found to be engrossing and applicable. Conclusion: Set induction must be deliberately designed to facilitate its incorporation for smooth teaching learning process. Case based scenario introduction is the most preferred by students, closely followed by narration based and lastly by audio-visual based introduction.
