Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (Jun 2006)

Histomorfologia do gânglio de Gasser, da rete mirabile carotídea e da hipófise de bovinos: estudo de 199 casos Histomorphology of the Gasserian ganglion, carotid rete mirabile and pituitary gland in cattle: a study of 199 cases

  • Raquel R. Rech,
  • Daniel R. Rissi,
  • Marcia C. Silva,
  • Maria A. Inkelmann,
  • Claudio S.L. Barros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 2
pp. 105 – 111


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O complexo heterogêneo de tecidos formado pelo gânglio de Gasser, rete mirabile carotídea e hipófise (GRH) de 199 bovinos foram macro e microscopicamente avaliados. Vinte e um GRH eram de casos confirmados de raiva, 19 com diagnóstico de meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5 (BoHV-5), 11 casos de febre catarral maligna (FCM), 7 tinham abscesso de pituitária, 17 apresentaram lesões de encefalopatia hepática (status spongiosus) atribuído à fibrose crônica por intoxicação por Senecio sp; e os 124 GRH restantes eram provenientes de bovinos que não apresentaram sinais neurológicos e que morreram ou foram eutanasiados por causas diversas. Nenhuma alteração histológica significativa foi observada no GRH dos 124 bovinos que não tinham sinais neurológicos, nos 17 bovinos com encefalopatia hepática, nem nos 19 bovinos afetados por meningoencefalite por BoHV-5. Alterações inflamatórias foram encontradas em 20 dos 21 casos de raiva e consistiam de proliferação de células satélites, nódulos gliais e infiltrado linfo-plasmocitário; alterações degenerativas incluíam cromatólise central, vacuolização neuronal e necrose neuronal com neuronofagia. Corpúsculos de inclusão eosinofílicos intracitoplasmáticos (de Negri) foram encontrados em 19 dos 21 casos de raiva; neurite do nervo trigêmeo em 11 casos e neuroipofisite em 4 casos. O complexo GRH de 9 de 11 casos de FCM apresentava arterite necrosante, que afetava as artérias da rete mirabile carotídea. Em 7 dos 199 GRH examinados havia abscessos de pituitária caracterizados por agregados de neutrófilos e detritos celulares circundados por infiltrado mononuclear e cápsula fibrosa. Vários achados incidentais foram observados nos 199 GRH examinados histologicamente e não foram correlacionados com alterações ligadas a doenças. Estes incluíam cistos na cavidade hipofisária, agregados de fibrina e neutrófilos no seio cavernoso da rete mirabile carotídea, leve aumento do número de células satélites ao redor dos neurônios do gânglio de Gasser e ocasional vacuolização e lipofuscinose neuronal. O exame histológico do complexo GRH é uma ferramenta importante e confiável no diagnóstico das principais encefalites em bovinos no Brasil.The complex of heterogenous tissues formed by the Gasserian ganglia, carotid rete mirabile and pituitary gland (GRH) from 199 cattle were grossly and histologically evaluated. Twenty one of the GRH were from comfirmed cases of rabies, 19 were diagnosed as cases of meningoencephalitis caused by bovine herpesvirus-5 (BoHV-5), 11 were confirmed cases of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), 7 had pituitary abscesses, 17 had lesions of hepatic encephalopathy (status spongiosus) attributable to chronic liver failure due to Senecio sp poisoning; and the remaining 124 GRH were from cattle which did not present neurological signs and died or were euthanatized due to various causes. No significant histologic changes were observed in the GRH from the 124 cattle which did not present neurological signs, in the GRH of the 17 cattle that had hepatic encephalopathy neither in the GRH of the 19 cattle diagnosed with BoHV-5 meningoencephalitis. Inflammatory changes were found in the Gasserian ganglia of 20 out of 21 cases of rabies and consisted of proliferation of sattelite cells, glial nodules and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate; degenerative changes included central chromatolysis, neuronal vacuolation, and neuronal death with neuronophagia. Characteristic eosinophilic intracytoplasmatic inclusion (Negri) bodies were found in 19 out of 21 cases of rabies, neuritis of the fifth nerve in 11, and neurohypophysitis in 4 cases. The GRH from nine of the eleven cases of MCF had characteristic necrotizing arteritis affecting the arteries of the carotid rete mirabile. In seven cases pituitary abscesses were found; they were characterized by large aggregates of neutrophils admixed with cellular debris and surrounded by mononuclear cells and were walled by a fibrous capsule. Several incidental findings were observed equally in the 199 histologically examined GRH and consequently were non specific for any disease entity. These include cysts in the pituitary cleft, fibrin and neutrophilic aggregates in the cavernous sinus of the carotid rete mirabile, mildly increased numbers of sattelite cells around neurons of the Gasserian ganglia and occasional neuronal vacuolation and lipofuscinosis. It was concluded that the histological examination of the GRH is an important and reliable tool in the diagnosis of the main forms of encephalitis occurring in cattle in Brazil.
