EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web (Oct 2023)
Power Quality Improvement Using TID based DVR Controller
The effectiveness of power utilized by electronic devices is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, high-quality power results in better efficiency, allowing devices to operate at optimal energy levels. This article aims to clarify the significance of Power Quality by highlighting the benefits of using a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) to improve power quality for electricity consumers. The proposed method employs a hysteresis voltage control system that operates with variable switching frequency to enhance DVR reliability and ease of operation. Using a Tilt Integral Derivative (TID) controller, a type of fractional order controller similar to the PID controller, voltage compensation under disturbances is achieved with satisfactory results demonstrated via simulation. The primary objective of this project is to mitigate power quality issues such as voltage swell and sag in a distribution power system by enhancing power quality with a TID controller and comparing the results with those obtained from a previously implemented PID controller, using MATLAB software. Keywords: Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Tilt Integral Derivative controller (TID), Total Harmonic Distortion, MATLAB software.