Technologies (Dec 2024)
A Cross-Shaped Slotted Patch Sensor Antenna for Ice and Frost Detection
Beyond data transmission, antennas have recently been utilized as sensors, offering the advantage of reducing hardware requirements and power consumption compared to systems where sensors are separate from antennas. Patch antennas, in particular, are widely used across various applications, including sensing, due to their attractive features like compact size and conformability. In addition, they can be easily designed in different ways to sense variations in certain variables. Adding a slot to the patch antenna introduces several advantages, including multiband, wideband operation, and improved impedance bandwidth. Slots also provide a concentrated region of electromagnetic fields, which increases the antenna’s sensitivity for sensing and detection purposes. In this paper, a rectangular patch antenna with a cross slot is designed and proposed for water, ice, and frost detection. Detection is achieved by measuring variations in the resonant frequency in response to water, ice accumulation, and frost. The results indicate that the proposed antenna can detect both water and ice accretion with a frequency shift of up to 1.538, 0.358, and 0.056 GHz, respectively, which reflects good sensitivity levels of the antenna. The effect of the slot on strengthening the near electric field and antenna sensitivity is discussed in this paper. The antenna is fabricated and measured and the indicators of each detection scale have been extracted. The proposed antenna has a simple structure and a small size of (40 × 40 × 1.53 m3). In addition, it can be precisely used to sense different environmental parameters such as frost and ice. Thus, it can serve as a strong candidate for detecting natural disasters like frost damage. Furthermore, the findings in this paper offer valuable insights into how the presence and structure of slots influence the sensitivity response of patch antennas, supporting ongoing research in this field.