Social Determinants of Health (Dec 2021)

The ways of recruiting and interacting with staffs to improve the performance of the hospitals: a qualitative study

  • Sara Tavakoli ,
  • Sanjar Salajegheh,
  • Saeed Sayadi ,
  • Masoud Pourkiani ,
  • Hojat Babaei

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1


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Background: Human resource management should use the various systems of retention of individuals that lead to mental and physical reconstruction. Methods: This was a qualitative and descriptive-analytical study. Collecting data was achieved through interviews and was coded in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The statistical population included all managers of the province hospitals. They included 20 managers, 3 governor’s deputy and 3 governor's advisor and a total number of 26 people. In the axial coding stage, by categorizing, conceptualizing and approximating open codes, the researcher classified open codes in 19 classes regarding the phenomenon of recruitment and retention of staff in the study hospital. In the selective coding stage, the conceptualized codes were organized into six classes, including causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, central or core concept, strategies and consequences. Results: Recognition of employability, Job adaptability, Person-job and Improving motivational structures, demographic, employment policies, Political conditions and relations in the organization, structural factors and building culture , empowerment in line with job path progress, delegation of authority and opportunities for professional development, diversity, management style, organizational innovation, creativity, learning and problem solving, Improving the efficiency, performance of the organization, improving human capital and internal marketing and learning and problem solving were causal factors of the phenomenon of effective recruitment and retention of hospital staff.. Conclusion: Organizations, should provide the importance of recruitment strategy and performance of hospital staff to enhance the organizational goals.
