Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física (Dec 2019)
The systemic philosophy of Fritjof Capra: An ecological look at Physics and at Physics Teaching
In this article, we present the Systemic Philosophy of Fritjof Capra. From his work it is possible to distinguish the existence of two paradigms (understood as philosophical frameworks) in the development of modern science: the mechanistic paradigm, inspired by Classical Physics, and the new paradigm, articulated from Modern Physics. According to Capra, the new paradigm deals better with the complex problems of the contemporary world. To introduce this subject, we present a discussion of Capra's view of the nature of science, of the Philosophy of Classical Physics and of the Philosophy of Modern Physics and its repercussions in different cultural contexts. Finally, we propose an extrapolation of Capra's thinking, indicating possible implications of his work for Science Education, Physics Teaching and their respective areas of research.