Education in the Knowledge Society (Dec 2011)
Neologisms in the information society: analysis of its presence and absence in lexicographical school sources
The flow of words among different countries and the creation of neologisms are constant in today’s Information Society and young people generally seem to be the most receptive group to acquire these new words. Some factors such as migration, the popularization of Internet and the spreading of social networks have brought new words into Spanish which become established especially in the spoken language. Therefore, our aim is to test the degree of acceptance that the words used frequently among schoolchildren and teenagers have in lexicographical works. In our study, we have selected a corpus consisting of 40 terms, sorted according to regionalisms, colloquialisms or loanwords, and we have analysed its presence or absence in different school dictionaries of both primary and secondary school, and in academic sources. We have also studied the notes that indicate the register that the terms belong to, the spelling guidelines and the pronunciation of foreign words. For the selection of the terms, we have based our search on several Facebook profiles of high school students, and online magazines such as Superpop.