Tropicultura (Jan 2013)

Réseau d'EpidémioSurveillance de la Chimiorésistance aux trypanocides et aux acaricides en Afrique de l'Ouest (RESCAO)

  • Vitouley, HV.,
  • Bengaly, Z.,
  • Adakal, H.,
  • Sidibé, I.,
  • Van Den Abbeele, J.,
  • Delespaux, V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 3
pp. 205 – 212


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Epidemiological Monitoring Network of Chemoresistance to Trypanocidal and Acaricides Drugs in West Africa (RESCAO). To better coordinate the efforts against trypanocidal and acaricides drugs resistance, the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) of Antwerp and the "Centre International de Recherche-Développement sur l'Elevage en zone Subhumide (CIRDES)" of Bobo Dioulasso, established in April 2009 an epidemiological surveillance network of chemoresistance to trypanocidal and acaricides drugs in Western Africa, named RESCAO. Its main objective is to contribute to the improvement of the livestock health and of the productivity of agriculture in tropical Africa, through both an efficient strategic control of trypanosomosis and tick born diseases, including a rational use of the available therapeutic drugs. RESCAO is headed by a regional steering committee based at CIRDES. This committee meets on a yearly basis to overview the on-going activities and to identify new strategies for action. Moreover, molecular analyzes performed on samples from seven West African's countries, members of RESCAO, have shown that resistance to diminazeneaceturate was widespread in Trypanosoma congolense with percentages ranging from 67.85 (19/28) for Burkina Faso to 100% (9/9) for Ghana.
