Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jun 2022)

Investigar una vida exagerada y emocional en Guerra Fría. Discusiones metodológicas para una biografía del diplomático estadounidense Edward Korry.

  • Antonia Fonck Larraín



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The following article is a proposal for a discussion on the use of biographical resources and the concept of experience for the historical study of the life of former U.S. Ambassador Edward Korry, who was stationed in Chile between 1967 and 1971. The objective of the research is to present relevant discussions that tension perspectives and concepts of biography and the history of emotions, in order to renew diplomatic history studies of that time. In this way, a re-reading of the diplomatic documentation is proposed through the question of a life, thinking about the experience as a vehicle for understanding what it was like to live a diplomatic life in the Cold War its impact on the construction of foreign policy.
