الإيضاح (Jun 2018)

"تفسیر روح المعانی میں امام آلوسیؒ کا منہج: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ A Critical Analysis of the Methodology of Imâm Alūsī (R.A) in Tafseer Rooh ul Ma’âni "

  • محمد طاہر ,
  • ڈاکٹر عطاء الرحمن

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 36, no. 1
pp. 101 – 116


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To understand the commentary of the Holy Qurân is a complex matter. Since the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) till date the commentators have come to interpret the Holy Qurân for general public so that they should not face any difficulty to understand it. The Muhadithen made a separate chapter for Tafseer. In 19th century Imam Alusi (R.A) wrote a detailed commentary of the Holy Qurân. In this article I will produce a brief introduction of Imâm Alūsī (R.A) and his Tafseer. This paper touches the methodology of tafseer of Imam Alūsī (R.A) and the principles adopted by him.
