Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jun 2019)

El vínculo entre las izquierdas y el movimiento obrero

  • Diego Ceruso



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From its origins, although with strong debates, the official will of the Socialist Party (PS) was to split the political level of the union. This autonomy, embodied in the 'Declaration of Avellaneda' of the Fourteenth Ordinary Congress in 1918, was part of a broader conception of the need to build a reformist party option, which sought integration into the social and political system and subordinated the conflict between capital and work to other more global elements, among other characteristics. This paper aims to review the PS's behavior in the trade union movement since the election of José Domenech as general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), in June 1937. The intention of the article is to observe the trade union policy of the PS, the tensions surrounding this experience and the dynamics with a CGT increasingly powerful and led by socialists sympathizers albeit with a communist presence.In this tour we will analyze the opinion of the guild cadres, the supporters and the relationship with the communists. We will do this by analyzing internal sources of the PS, for example from its newspaper La Vanguardia, and trade publications of various kinds.
