Rheumato (Jan 2024)
Rheumato(Philes): A Publication Option for Rheumatology Devotees’ Creative Works
This journal for Rheumato(philes) has provided a vehicle for the interdisciplinary sharing of the challenges and interventions of our specialty. The provision of state-of-the-art information is not at the expense of the basics from which it has grown. From its initial status as a source of discomfort, a review of back pain diagnostics and therapeutics provides a background for facilitating contemporary practice. We have met the enemy in the form of COVID-19, addressing its many rheumatologic complications, and have been introduced to the vagaries of IgG4 disease. Our clinical skills are tested in recognition of primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The relationship of dental health to rheumatoid arthritis and nutritional issues is currently undergoing scientific review. A unique feature, one we seldom seem to discuss, is the evaluation of disease manifestations when the customary tools are not available. The latter brings us full circle in the evolution of our field. When our colleagues found diagnostic or treatment approaches elusive, they did not call for Ghostbusters; they called for us.