Scientific Reports (Oct 2023)
Increasing rectum–prostate distance using a hydrogel spacer to reduce radiation exposure during proton beam therapy for prostate cancer
Abstract SpaceOAR, a polyethylene-glycol hydrogel, reduces rectal radiation exposure during radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Previously, our group reported the modified technique of hydrogel insertion, which achieves greater separated distance at prostate-apex. This study aimed to investigate the impact of separated distance at prostate-apex and our modifier technique, on radiation exposure reduction during proton beam therapy (PBT). We included 330 patients undergoing PBT with the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 63 Gray (Gy) for localized prostate cancer, and categorized them into groups 0 (no spacer, n = 141), 1 (separated distance of spacer at the prostate-apex level < 7.5 mm, n = 81), and 2 (distance ≥ 7.5 mm, n = 108). The rectal volumes to receive 30–60 Gy (RBE), was estimated and described as Rectal V30–60 (ml) in 10 Gy increments. The Rectal V30–60 (ml) was significantly lower in group 2 than in group 1, and in group 1 than in group 0. After propensity score matching, the multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the most significant factor to reduce radiation exposure was our modified technique of hydrogel insertion. Therefore, using a hydrogel spacer to expand the prostate–rectum distance not only at prostate-mid to prostate-base level but also at the prostate-apex level can reduce the radiation exposure in PBT for prostate cancer.