Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (Jul 2019)
Pengendali Suhu pada Proses Pasteurisasi Susu dengan Menggunakan Metode PID dan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno
Proses pasteurisasi berfungsi untuk membunuh bakteri patogen yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan. Selain itu proses pasteurisasi juga bermanfaat untuk memperpanjang masa susu tidak rusak sehingga kualitas susu dapat dipertahankan sampai jangka waktu tertentu. Pada penelitian pengabdian masyarakat ini proses pasteurisasi susu dengan model low temperature long time (LTLT) dibangun dengan menggunakan pengendali PID dan pengendali Fuzzy. Model LTLT dipilih karena adanya kebutuhan masyarakat untuk dapat mencampur susu dengan berbagai perasa selama proses pasteurisasi berlangsung. Tujuan akhir dari penambahan perasa pada susu adalah untuk meningkatkan daya jual dari susu pasteurisasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa sistem pengendali PID dengan nilai K_P=31,8; K_I=117,8; K_D=4,3 memberikan respon lebih cepat daripada sistem pengendali Fuzzy berdasarkan pengukuran indikator waktu tunda, waktu naik, waktu puncak dan waktu penetapan. Sebaliknya sistem pengendali Fuzzy menghasilkan nilai MSE lebih kecil daripada sistem pengendali PID yang menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendali Fuzzy lebih akurat daripada sistem pengendali PID dalam proses pasteurisasi susu. Hasil pengujian laboratorium terhadap susu hasil proses pasteurisasi menunjukkan bahwa jumlah cemaran mikroba telah turun pada jumlah sesuai dengan standar SNI pada saat yang sama kualitas susu hasil proses pasteurisasi tetap terjaga. Abstrack Milk pasteurization process has benefit for reducing pathogenic bacteria that may harm people’s health. At the same time, this process can be used to maintain the milk quality for long period of time. In this research, a milk pasteurization process that based on the low temperature long time (LTLT) was built utilizing the Proportional-Integral-Derivative and the Fuzzy system methods. The LTLT method was chosen in this project due to the need to blend the pasteurized milk with several type of food flavoring to increase the selling power of the pasteurized milk. Therefore, it needs longer pasteurization time. Based on the 30 trials of examination, it showed that the PID controller with values of was able to provide a faster system response time compared to the Fuzzy controller. The measurement was done utilizing several indicators including delay time, rise time, peak time as well as settling time. In contrast, the Fuzzy controller produced a smaller mean squared error (MSE) compared to the PID controller showing that the Fuzzy controller produced smaller error fluctuation in the milk pasteurization process. Nevertheless, the results showed that both controllers exhibited MSE lower than , it indicates that both controllers could maintain milk temperature at the range of the standardized milk pasteurization process. Moreover, laboratory examination showed that using both pasteurization methods the number of coliform bacteria have been decreased to meet with the SNI standard and at the same time it was able to maintain the quality of the milk.