Türk Yoğun Bakim Derneği Dergisi (Dec 2011)
ApproachtoAcuteIronIntoxication: A Case Report
In adults, the main causes of iron poisoning are intake suicide attempts and an overdose of iron during pregnancy. The severity of intoxication depends on the amount of iron. When serum iron level exceeds the iron binding capacity of the body, free radicals occurs, leading to lipid peroxidation and cellular membrane damage. In iron poisoning, especially the liver, heart, kidney, lung, and hematologic systems are affected negatively. Acute iron poisoning can cause serious complications resulting in death. Clinical, laboratory observation and early treatment are important. In this case report, we examined to approach the acute iron poisoning with the occasion of high-dose iron intake for suicide attempt. (Journal of the Turkish Society Intensive Care 2011; 9: 107-9)ntakeforsuicideattempt. (Journal of theTurkishSocietyIntensiveCare 2011; 9: 107-9)