Bìznes Inform (Sep 2018)

The Price Competition and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Agricultural Products

  • Pakhucha Ellina V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 488
pp. 117 – 122


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The article considers the essence of price competitiveness, which allows agricultural enterprises to maintain and strengthen their position in the market. The basic indicators of competitiveness of production and their connection with price competition are defined. It is proved that increase of price competition becomes possible due to use of achievements of scientific-technical innovations and growth of consumer properties of goods. The dynamics of paces of price change in the time period is traced on the example of the main agricultural products of both crop and livestock branches. A study on the level of price competitiveness of main products in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine is carried out. It is concluded that the transition from the price methods of competition to the non-price methods in the domestic conditions is the most difficult, but necessary step, which will positively impact the results of enterprise’s activities not only in economic, but also in social aspect. Prospect for further research is studying the innovation component of increasing the competitiveness of agricultural production and its impact on changes in price competition.
