Social Determinants of Health (Jun 2024)
Designing a servant leadership model on mental health and motivating public service in Kerman municipality employees
Background: The success of government organizations depends on the ability of employees and managers to provide optimal services. The present study was undertaken with the objective of formulating and understanding the servant leadership model on mental health and creating motivation for public service in the employees of Kerman municipality. Methods: This study used the intentional snowball sample technique, wherein individuals were deliberately chosen by the researcher using the snowball method, which is a non-probability sampling method, was used to identify other experts. This sampling continued with maximum fluctuation until reaching theoretical adequacy, i.e. until adding data did not change the final pattern. The statistical population was the employees of Kerman Municipality with the number of 154 people. The tools used include standard questionnaires with reliability above 0.8 and Smart PLS3 software was used for data analysis. Results: A major factor in enhancing mental health and fostering public service motivation is servant leadership, which has a favorable impact on both things. This leadership style strengthens the motivation by improving and growing mutual trust between the leader and the employees and makes the employees able to provide better services while maintaining their mental health. Conclusion: Considering the importance of the servant leadership style as one of the influencing factors on public service motivation, it is necessary to pay attention to this issue in motivating municipal employees in micro and macro management planning.