Participation of monasteries and monks in the orthodox mission in Vyatka in the 18th century
The article analyses the little-studied issue of the infl uence of monasteries on the process of Christianisation of the non-Russian population of Vyatskaya and Velikopermskaya Diocese in the 18th century. In this period, both civil and spiritual authorities had no idea of endowing monasteries with special missionary rights. The decrees of the Russian monarchs and the decrees of the Holy Synod regarding the Orthodox mission most often determined only the behaviour of missionaries, not dividing them into representatives of the black and white clergy. In legislative and other departmental acts of the 18th century, the emphasis was on the missionary’s authority, as well as on the ultimate goal that he should achieve, i.e. strengthening of the newly baptised in the Christian faith. However, this agenda did not imply a full mixture of representatives of the black and white clergy who had dissimilar ways of life. In real practice, the synodal and diocesan authorities used the spiritual and material potential of monasteries with the aim of a better organisation of the Orthodox mission. Monks were often entrusted with duties of conducting direct missionary activity, further catechising and instructing the newly baptised in the Christian faith, organising the activities of the parish clergy, and monitoring the state of faith of the newly baptised. In addition, the monastery was regarded as a place for improving those newly baptised who deviated from standards of the Christian faith. Another aspect of the activity of monasteries was the admission to the confi nes of the monastery of those newly baptised who themselves wanted to establish themselves more fi rmly in the Orthodox faith. Even in those cases when monasteries did not directly take part in the spread of Christianity, there was an indirect influence of monasteries located near non-Russian settlements. It is also worth noting that monasteries owned lands in diff erent parts of Vyatka Diocese, including in areas with a pagan population. Through the Russian (Orthodox) population living in the estates of monasteries, representatives of non-Christian religions became familiar with the Orthodox faith.