Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика (Feb 2008)
Objective criteria for stress reaction phases at various adaptation levels
Aim. To determine objective criteria for stress reaction phases during psycho-emotional stress (PES), taking into account adaptation reserves of regulatory systems: neuro-autonomic regulation (NAR) and cognitive function (CF). Material and methods. Stress-associated profession representatives were examined (46 businessmen; mean age 44,1±2,32 years), with the control group of healthcare professionals (n=22; mean age 43±1,93 years). All partic ipants underwent psychological testing, including psycho6mental tests, psycho-emotional stress test (Stroop test), as well as heart rate variability (HRV) assessment. Results. Regulatory system changes (NAR, CF) were examined at various phases of PES stress reaction. Objective criteria for stress reaction phases, associated with certain NAR and CF changes, were identified based on computerized Stroop test data. Conclusion. The approach proposed could facilitate timely, quantitative assessment of stress reaction phases at various adaptation levels. The method may be used in clinical, sports, and extreme states medicine.