Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Aug 2018)
Exact solution of boundary value problem describing the convective heat transfer in fully-developed laminar flow through a circular conduit
This paper proposes anexact solution in terms of an infinite series to the classical Graetz problem represented by a nonlinear partial differential equation considering two space variables, two boundary conditions and one initial condition. The mathematical derivation is based on the method of separation of variables whose several stages are elaborated to reach the solution of the Graetz problem. MATLAB was used to compute the eigenvalues of the differential equation as well as the coefficient series. However, both the Nusselt number as an infinite series solution and the Graetz number are based on the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux from the wall to the fluid. In addition, the analytical solution was compared to the numerical values obtained by the same author using a FORTRAN program, showing that the orthogonal collocation method gave better results. It is important to note that the analytical solution is in good agreement with published numerical data.