Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Sep 2023)
Form of physical training in educational institutions (club system)
The development of modern sports is an important form of not only directly sporting, but also social interaction. Physical education is also especially relevant, given the general trend of deteriorating health of young people. This determines the issues of organization and forms of physical education leisure time for the analysis. Additional relevance is predetermined by the lack of research on the club system of physical education. Moreover, such physical culture organization is new in Kazakhstan. Finding out the effectiveness of club activities in Kazakhstan is an important topic for research. The research aims to analyze the features and prospects of physical education in educational institutions based on the use of the club system. The general scientific theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction) and special pedagogical methods (comparative, axiological, systemic, structural, and functional) were used in the research. The results show that the club system is quite practical and in demand among students and pupils in Kazakhstan, which is confirmed by sociological surveys. A similar practice is employed in the Europe and USA. However, it has been actively employed there for more than one decade. It has also been established that traditional physical education classes have negative assessments among pupils and students. Thus, the club system is a perspective way of organizing the physical education of youth. However, within the framework of Kazakhstan, this form of organization of sports and recreational activities is experiencing difficulties associated with the lack of funding for the industry, the lack of modern coaches, etc. The practical value of the article consists of the development of recommendations to improve the state of physical education in educational institutions based on the use of the club system. Keywords: Kazakhstan; sports education; education; club sports; European practices, mass sports development.