Neural Regeneration Research (Jan 2015)
Compensatory recombination phenomena of neurological functions in central dysphagia patients
- Xiao-dong Yuan,
- Li-fu Zhou,
- Shu-juan Wang,
- Yan-sheng Zhao,
- Xiao-jie Wang,
- Li-li Zhang,
- Shou-hong Wang,
- Ya-jie Zhang,
- Li Chen
- Xiao-dong Yuan
- Li-fu Zhou
- Shu-juan Wang
- Yan-sheng Zhao
- Xiao-jie Wang
- Li-li Zhang
- Shou-hong Wang
- Ya-jie Zhang
- Li Chen
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10,
no. 3
pp. 490 – 497
We speculate that cortical reactions evoked by swallowing activity may be abnormal in patients with central infarction with dysphagia. The present study aimed to detect functional imaging features of cerebral cortex in central dysphagia patients by using blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques. The results showed that when normal controls swallowed, primary motor cortex (BA4), insula (BA13), premotor cortex (BA6/8), supramarginal gyrus (BA40), and anterior cingulate cortex (BA24/32) were activated, and that the size of the activated areas were larger in the left hemisphere compared with the right. In recurrent cerebral infarction patients with central dysphagia, BA4, BA13, BA40 and BA6/8 areas were activated, while the degree of activation in BA24/32 was decreased. Additionally, more areas were activated, including posterior cingulate cortex (BA23/31), visual association cortex (BA18/19), primary auditory cortex (BA41) and parahippocampal cortex (BA36). Somatosensory association cortex (BA7) and left cerebellum in patients with recurrent cerebral infarction with central dysphagia were also activated. Experimental findings suggest that the cerebral cortex has obvious hemisphere lateralization in response to swallowing, and patients with recurrent cerebral infarction with central dysphagia show compensatory recombination phenomena of neurological functions. In rehabilitative treatment, using the favorite food of patients can stimulate swallowing through visual, auditory, and other nerve conduction pathways, thus promoting compensatory recombination of the central cortex functions.
- tamoxifen
- Src kinase
- PP2
- trauma
- regeneration
- neuroprotection
- auranofin
- dextromethorphan
- rosiglitazone
- Alzheimer′s disease
- neuroinflammation
- neurodegeneration
- microglia
- astrocytes
- nerve regeneration
- spinal cord
- electroacupuncture therapy
- neural stem cells
- notch signaling pathway
- astrocytes
- inflammation
- survival curve
- proliferation
- differentiation
- real-time quantitative PCR
- western blot assay
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- superparamagnetic iron oxide
- magnetic guidance
- bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
- spinal cord injury
- cell transplantation
- magnetic resonance image
- lumbar puncture
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- spinal cord injury
- spinal cord transection
- average combined score
- magnetic resonance imaging
- diffusion tensor imaging
- fractional anisotropy
- apparent diffusion coefficient
- fiber tractography
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- peripheral nerve injury
- sciatic nerve
- hypothermia
- blood-nerve barrier
- Evans blue tracer
- neural degeneration
- nerve regeneration
- polyethyleneimine-polyethylene glycol
- spiral ganglion cells
- X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein
- gene therapy
- nanocarrier
- cisplatin
- neural regeneration
- ototoxicity
- cochlea
- nerve regeneration
- ocular hypertension
- JNK3
- retinal ganglion cell
- glaucoma
- laser photocoagulation
- intraocular pressure
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- neuroprotection
- inflammation
- apoptosis
- cerebral ischemia
- transforming growth factor β1
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- neural regeneration
- cerebral ischemia
- Chinese herbal formula
- Tneurotrophic factor
- ongluo Jiunao injection
- nerve growth factor receptor
- Xuesai Tong
- neuroprotection
- NSFC grant
- neuroprotection
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- hippocampus
- dentate gyrus
- lipid peroxidation
- type 1 diabetes
- malondialdehyde
- neurons
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- acupuncture
- cerebral hemorrhage
- immunohistochemistry
- western blot assay
- Notch1
- Hes1
- rats
- neural stem cells
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- neural regeneration
- transcranial direct current stimulation
- visuomotor coordination
- task difficulty
- primary motor area
- motor learning
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- paraquat
- poisoning
- rats
- endoplasmic reticulum stress
- apoptosis
- ulinastatin
- GRP78
- caspase-3
- hippocampus
- reactive oxygen species
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- cognitive neuroscience
- event-related potential
- P300
- electrophysiology
- nutritional state
- minimally conscious state
- consciousness
- disorders of consciousness
- unconsciousness
- evaluation
- prognosis
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- curcumin
- ischemia/reperfusion injury
- oxidative stress
- primary cell culture
- cortical neurons
- oxygen-glucose deprivation
- pretreatment
- post-treatment
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
- cerebral ischemia
- dysphagia
- function restructuring
- cerebral cortex
- neural regeneration