Biyumikānīk-i varzishī (Jun 2020)
Effect of Eight Weeks of 11+ Training on Functional Movement Screening Test Scores in Female Futsal Players
Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of an 8-week 11+ exercise program on seven test scores of Functional Movement Screening (FMS) in female futsal players. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 48 female futsal players who were selected using purposive and convenience sampling methods and randomly divided into two groups of exercise (n=36; Mean±SD age=23.3±2.8 years; Mean±SD height=164.94±4.93 cm; Mean±SD weight=63.58±6.35 kg) and control (n=12; Mean±SD age=23.08±2.74 years; Mean±SD height=165.42±5.08 cm; Mean±SD weight=62.83±6.10 kg). Seven FMS tests were carried out before and after implementation of the 11+ exercise protocol for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week each for 20 minutes. For analyzing the data, repeated-measures ANOVA was used considering a significant level of P≤0.05. Results: The 11+ exercise program had a significant interaction effect on the scores of deep squat (F(1.46)=6.07; P=0.01), hurdle step (F(1.46)=4.98; P=0.03), and in-line lunge (F(1.46)=11.63; P=0.001) in subjects, but had no significant effect on their shoulder mobility (F(1.46)=2.19; P=0.14), active straight-leg raise (F(1.46)=2.003; P=0.16), trunk stability push-up (F(1.46)=1.09; P=0.30), and rotary stability (F(1.46)=0.20; P=0.20). Conclusion: It seems that the 11+ exercise program was effective in improving the FMS scores of female futsal players. It can be used by coaches and corrective exercises experts as a training method for injury prevention before training in female futsal players.