Celestinesca (Jan 2021)
Los prólogos en prosa de <i>La Celestina</i>
Rojas wrote two different prefaces for each of their versions of La Celestina in which took into account the prologue that Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini wrote for his Historia de duobus amantibus. In the first of two, goes to a friend who dedicates his work to compensate for the benefits he had received from him. Piccolomini in his addresses to his former teacher of law to announce that he would write the love story that has been asked since it also feels indebted to him. The future Pope Pius II knows that his partner has made such a request because it suffers from sexual impotence to which it intends to address by reading the work of his disciple. In the second prologue, Rojas also satisfies the demand for younger readers of the Comedia for a month to extend the love of his two protagonists. Despite having created some of their works as a stimulus to carnal love both the Italian and the Spanish author have given a tragic end to dissuade his audience that practice it.