Diversitas Journal (Apr 2020)

“Education is the door to everything”: the value of education for the Florestan Fernandes settlement/“A Educação é a porta para tudo”: o valor da educação para o assentamento Florestan Fernandes

  • José Wilson Moura Santos,
  • Cleones Gomes dos Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 1294 – 1308


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This article is a product of the discussions of the discipline “Special Topics in Teaching of History” administered by the teachers-doctors Paul Heimar Souto and Joaquim Tavares and from the “Technical Visit to the Registration Florestan Fernandes”. This discipline ruled in the study of the Oral History, just like Chiozzini (2007), Pollak (1992), Daughter-in-law (2012), Thompson (1952) between others and, in the vision of education defended by Monk (2019) and Perrenoud (2002), which we board in this text. We have as demonstrating objective as these studies led us to know the Registration Florestan Fernandes, and from the Oral History to look to know the History of life that surfaces of the narratives, of the existences and experiences of fixed someone. Like proceeding methodologic we carry out an observation visit in locus and it interviews with a person of the town. For end, we realize that it as for education it is in fact an instrument for changes that exceed the limits of the institutional formality.
