International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning (Jan 2013)

The Knowledge Management for Innovation Processes for SME Sector Companies

  • Tomasz Norek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 83 – 99


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The complexity and variability of the modern economy means that the informationbecomes a key resource, essential for the proper functioning of anyenterprise and in the broader sense of the country and the national economy.Currently, practically all areas of modern economics are grappling withthe problem of information management, both in theory and practice. It isespecially visible in the attempts to support knowledge management in theareas, which are considered core from the viewpoint of increasing marketcompetitiveness of the company. Knowledge management in the field of company’sinnovative potential or in the area of intellectual capital may serve asan example. This situation forces the search for new solutions of knowledgemanagement in the field of research and evaluation of the innovative potentialof companies. The main purpose of this article is to present an Internetplatform for innovation audit, as a tool which supports knowledge management.An additional goal of this article is to present the preliminary results ofa research carried out by means of the described tools.
