ACS Omega
(Nov 2024)
Raman Spectra and Excitonic Effects of the Novel Ta2Ni3Te5 Monolayer
- Alexandre C. Dias,
- Raphael M. Tromer,
- Humberto R. Gutiérrez,
- Douglas S. Galvão,
- Elie A. Moujaes
- Alexandre C. Dias
- Institute of Physics and International Center of Physics, University of Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil
- Raphael M. Tromer
- State University of Campinas and Center for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Campinas, SP,, Brazil
- Humberto R. Gutiérrez
- Department of Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, United States
- Douglas S. Galvão
- State University of Campinas and Center for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Campinas, SP,, Brazil
- Elie A. Moujaes
- Physics Department, Federal University of Rondônia, Porto Velho, Brazil
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9,
no. 49
– 48843
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