Dose-Response (Dec 2020)

Construction of Radiation Surviving/Resistant Lung Cancer Cell Lines with Equidifferent Gradient Dose Irradiation

  • Lijuan Wang,
  • Shangbiao Li,
  • Xiaoxia Zhu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18


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Radiotherapy plays an increasingly crucial role in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Local tumor recurrence and tumor progression caused by intratumoral heterogeneity induced radiotherapy resistance remain the primary causes of radiotherapy failure. However, the lack of a suitable cell line model has hampered the exploration of the dynamic mechanisms of radiation resistance. We established 3 groups of equidifferent gradient dose irradiation surviving/resistant human lung cancer cell lines based on A549, H520, and H460 cells with clinical conventional fractionated radiotherapy (CFRT) (2 Gy × 20 F, 2 Gy × 30 F, and 2 Gy × 40 F). The radiosensitivity of the cells was detected by clone formation assay, EDU cell proliferation assay, neutral comet assay, and γ-H2AX immunofluorescence staining. The radiosensitivity and proliferation viability were increased in a received dose-dependent manner. Compared with parental cells, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in cell lines that received higher-dose irradiation were significantly reduced. We successfully constructed equidifferent gradient dose irradiation surviving/resistant NSCLC cell lines whose radiation surviving and resistant abilities were increased in a received dose-dependent manner. This preclinical cell model could be used to dynamically observe and detect the radiation surviving/resistant biomarkers during radiotherapy stress, elucidate the mechanism of radiation resistance.