Lehahayer (Dec 2023)

Madżarscy – renesans pamięci? (Д. В. Лисейчиков, Е. С. Глинский, Маджарские: армянский род в истории Беларуси, Национальный Исторический Архив Беларуси, Фонд Развития и Поддержки Арменоведческих Исследований «Анив», Минск-Ереван 2023, Армения–Беларусь)

  • Andrzej A. Zięba

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10


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THE MADŻARSKI FAMILY – RENAISSANCE OF MEMORY (МАДЖАРСКИЕ: АРМЯНСКИЙ РОД В ИСТОРИИ БЕЛАРУСИ, НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ АРХИВ БЕЛАРУСИ, ФОНД РАЗВИТИЯ И ПОДДЕРЖКИ АРМЕНОВЕДЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ «АНИВ», МИНСК-ЕРЕВАН 2023) The album book, jointly published by the National Historical Archive of Belarus and the Foundation for the Development and Support of Armenian Studies, is dedicated to the Madżarski family – Armenians who came from the Ottoman Empire to operate the Radziwiłłs’ workshop manufacturing kontush sashes in Słuck (Slutsk, today in Belarus). Such sashes were an essential element of traditional Polish noble attire. The reviewed book is based on archival research and draws upon significant sources on this topic. It is also an expression of the inheritance of historical memory from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by contemporary Belarusian society and, from Polish Armenians by the current Armenian diaspora in Belarus.
