Obrazovanie i Nauka (Jul 2015)


  • Elena N. Yarkova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 6
pp. 116 – 128


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This article develops a theme raised in the study «Education in Search of the Adequacy principle» by Yu. V. Larin, whereas the topical principle of modern education is the principle of cultural adequacy.The aim of the study is the analysis of value-semantic content of the principle of cultural adequacy of education. Methods of the study are formed by appeal to cultural approach connecting methods of ideal typing and value-semantic reconstruction.Results. In general, there are three types of culture based on the explication of the three modality human relations to the world: «the world is a condition», «the world is a tool», «the world is a purpose»; and, accordingly, three types of pedagogical culture: traditional, utilitarian, creative.Traditional pedagogical culture focuses on education homo traditional – traditional man, the individual, the obedient executor of the culture value semantic, regulatory policies and regulations, subordinating its activity transmitted from generation to generation tradition. The semantic space of traditional pedagogical culture principle of cultural adequacy education is defined as the principle of consistency with established tradition.Pedagogical culture of utilitarian type directs a homo utilitarian – utilitarian man, individuality, interpreting the culture value semantic, legal and regulatory requirements and on the basis of situational use, fully to the publication of his life publicly or individually beneficial activities. The utilitarian type principle of cultural adequacy of education is defined as the principle of consistency with the social and/or individual use in the semantic space of pedagogical culture.Pedagogical culture of creative types is aimed at nurturing homo creator – creative person whose existence is self-organization in the space between tradition and innovation, absolute and relative, universal and particular meanings of human existence, between social and individual, collectivist and individualism aspects. Teaching of creatively thinking personality is associated with updating of creative modality attitude toward the world as creative activity, with the development of the needs for self-actualization. The cultural adequacy principle within the framework of pedagogic culture of creative type education means congruity with creativity. The implementation of this principle is related to the cultivation not only of originality, extraordinary, nontrivial thinking, but the formation of creational, aimed at an increment in life to the world.Scientific novelty of the research concludes in originality, as well as research methodology and its results; the author’s typology of pedagogical culture is designed.Practical significance. The proposed typology of pedagogical culture can serve as a tool for the analysis of modern education; identify its specificity and ways of upgrading.
