SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Jun 1990)

Career maturity of black, coloured and white university students

  • H. H. Reid-Van Niekerk,
  • E. C. Van Niekerk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1
pp. 1 – 4


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Career maturity attitudes of black, coloured and white first year university students were compared. Black students were found to have lower maturity scores than both their coloured and white counterparts. The result could be attributed to cultural differences, differential exposure to the world of work and differences in educational background. The findings suggest a need for career development interventions to be directed at both the coloured and black population groups. Opsomming Die mate van volwassenheid van loopbaangesindhede onder swart, blanke en kleurlingstudente is met mekaar vergelyk. Daar is bevind dat swart studente laer volwassenheidpunte-tellings as hulle kleuriing- en blanke ewekniee behaal. Die resultaat kan toegeskryf word aan kulturele verskille, 'n andersoortige blootstelling aan die arbeidswereld en verskille in opvoedkundige agtergrond. Die bevindings dui op 'n behoefte aan ingryping in die loopbaanontwikkeling van kleurling- en swart bevolkingsgroepe.
