Acta Montanistica Slovaca (Jun 2007)
Digitized cadastral map from a point of view of compiler of geometric plan
The digitized cadastral map (KM-D) comes up during a renewal of cadatral documents without new mapping using convertion of current cadastral map in digital form in given form and data structure. This method is used in areas with the map scale 1:2880. These map cover approx. 70 % of the Czech Republic. The files of raster images of cadastral maps and former land evidences are the ground for convertion. In the present time we attend from older coordinates system of cadastre to the system S-JTSK. The insular maps are converted into a continuos projection. The used method is based on elimination of a map deformation using the bicubic Coonson patch transformation, adjustment of cadastral district boundry and transformation. The paper deals with experience with compilation of the geometrical plans.