Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (May 2019)

Redevelopment as a means of urban land use planning ecologization

  • Viktor Konstantinovich Popov,
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Seryakov,
  • Rozaliya Seryakova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 325, no. 1


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The relevance of the work is determined by spread of urban density residential of public and business destination in central parts of Russian cities if there are areas which are occupied by inactive industrial facilities. Intensification of urban development activities in Tomsk entailed the need to change the general plan of the urban area and the road network plan and the prospect of creating Tomsk agglomeration require ecologization approaches to land development. The objectives of the work are to identify and to analyze the spatial planning ecologization problems in Tomsk and to propose a hypothesis on the effectiveness of redevelopment projects. Research methods: comparative analysis, historical and logical analysis, and other analytical methods. The results: The authors have identified the problems of urban space ecologization in terms of land and property complexes management as well as the problems of development and normative legal regulation of the redevelopment institute. The paper introduces the term «redevelopment» in terms of urban areas zoning. The main areas of Tomsk occupied by valid and invalid industrial facilities were identified. The authors proposed methodological approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of redevelopment projects. The conclusion was made on the prospects of using redevelopment projects as an effective method of urban area ecologization
