Pedagogìka, Psihologìâ ta Mediko-bìologìčnì Problemi Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ ì Sportu (Aug 2012)
A.D. Butovsky and the system of physical education in Britain
The looks of A. Butovsky's to education in England are examined. His looks to physical education are separately shown. The different aspects of the English system of education and use of corporal exercises are comprehensively examined in different schools. A role and place of different sporting games and other types of sport in physical education is shown. The features of pedagogic of Thomas Arnold (at school of Regbi) and specific of physical education are shown in a number of other schools. Dignities and lacks of the system of physical education are summarized in England. The utterances of A. Butovsky's are examined about the features of the possible borrowing in Russia of one or another moments from English experience. It is suggested to give students more space and time for corporal exercises. A necessity becomes firmly established next to mobile games to put the correctly organized system of physical drills.