Социологическая наука и социальная практика (Dec 2021)
Long-Term Plans and Potential for Social and Cultural Integration of Migrants (Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
The article, based on the data of a survey of migrants conducted in 2020 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), analyzes the statistically valid relationship of variations in long-term plans of migrants with variables reflecting socio-cultural aspects of their integration potential. The analysis showed that migrants who are focused on settling in a host society (as compared to those who are focused on temporary employment) more often express their desire to settle in the neighborhood with representatives of the local population and more often live in the neighborhood of local population. They are more likely to work in teams where migrants and locals are approximately equally represented. Hence, they are more included in the space of primary socialization in the host society. More often they have friends among the local population, with whom they spend their leisure time. This category of migrants is characterized by a high degree of identity with the host community, but without loss of identification with the communities of the country of departure (country, ethnic, religious, etc.). As a result, it is concluded that migrants who have plans to settle in the host environment have a higher integration potential.