Riscuri şi Catastrofe (May 2018)
Soil Erosion In Upper Crasna Basin.
The assement of soil erosion in the Upper Crasna Basin was made by means of the ROMSEM model based on the universal relation used by the Soil Conservation Service in USA, taking into consideration the climatic conditions in Romania. It uses specific coefficients such as rain erosivity, soil erodability, the correction coefficient for the effect of cultures, the correction coefficient for the effect of anti-erosional works, the topographic factor. The values of the annual erosion were between 0 and 23,18 t/ha/year. There were defined six value classes, with different shares within the basin. Over half of the surface of the basin (63,31 %) is represented by terrains with very low erosion (between 0 – 0,05 t/ha/year). Only 0.24 % of the surface (1.9 km) represents surfaces with erosion of over 6 t/ha/year meaning that the problems are punctual and the solutions need to be found at a local level.