Opuscula Mathematica (Jan 2018)
On signed arc total domination in digraphs
Let \(D=(V,A)\) be a finite simple digraph and \(N(uv)=\{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}\neq uv \mid u=u^{\prime}\text{ or }v=v^{\prime}\}\) be the open neighbourhood of \(uv\) in \(D\). A function \(f: A\rightarrow \{-1, +1\}\) is said to be a signed arc total dominating function (SATDF) of \(D\) if \(\sum _{e^{\prime}\in N(uv)}f(e^{\prime})\geq 1\) holds for every arc \(uv\in A\). The signed arc total domination number \(\gamma^{\prime}_{st}(D)\) is defined as \(\gamma^{\prime}_{st}(D)= \operatorname{min}\{\sum_{e\in A}f(e)\mid f \text{ is an SATDF of }D\}\). In this paper we initiate the study of the signed arc total domination in digraphs and present some lower bounds for this parameter.