LingVaria (Jul 2014)

Représentations affectives dans le répertoire langagier de lycéens bilingues polono-français

  • David Sansault

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 17


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Affective representations in the linguistic repertoire of Polish-French bilingual high school students Bilingual persons go through various emotional experiences related to their languages over the course of their lives. For those Polish-French high school students who study in France both in Polish and in French, these languages and cultures of linguistic repertoire are in everyday contact in different contexts. How do bilinguals use their linguistic repertoire on the emotional level in these conditions? What load do they assign to the languages of their repertoire, and what effects does this have on their linguistic practices? In an attempt to answer these questions, the author focuses on an analysis of linguistic representations of bilingual persons; in their interpretation, he also takes into account the sociolinguistic context and linguistic biography.
