مطالعات ادیان و عرفان تطبیقی (Feb 2023)
The position of request in the solving of life’s problems from viewpoint of Molavie Balhkhi
Solving the prob lem has key role in the accuracy of men psych and changes his her life comple tely. Caliber human and talent person in the way of daily life . need to solv ing prob lem with inquiry and ask ing more ques tion.jalal al din moha mmad Molavi e Balkhi ( 604-672 hejri . Gh) is one of tho se mystical peo ple that under influ ence of Quranic cult ure and by use of alle gory and usi ng of other way tri ed to solve the soc iety proble ms . This greet spiritual figure put inquiry as just human being charact rastic and belive that asking ques tion is the first way for solvi ng prob lem of mart ial and secular and spiritu al life in order to coming to salvation . Analysis of two stories in this paper show us that Molavi consciously and deliberately try to solve the prob lem by atte ntion to six step of it.