Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Apr 2024)
O przysłówkach w przekładzie i o wartościowaniu w tekście – na przykładzie wybranych fragmentów polskich tłumaczeń książek Richarda Dawkinsa
ON ADVERBS IN TRANSLATION AND ON EVALUATION IN TEXT – BASED ON SELECTED FRAGMENTS IN THE POLISH TRANSLATIONS OF BOOKS BY RICHARD DAWKINS The use of adverbs can be related to the expression of evaluative meanings, which play a key role, for example, in the argumentative discourse of popular science. The way evaluative elements are rendered in translation may be important for maintaining the persuasive power of the original text. The aim of the paper is to look at selected fragments of the Polish translations of two popular science books by Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion and Outgrowing God, and to see how English adverbs expressing evaluative and volitional meanings were rendered in them, and how the choices made may affect the perception of the text. The analysis uses models of appraisal in language and discourse developed by researchers in the field of English-language text linguistics and discourse studies.